Monday, January 12, 2009

To a new start....

Hey every1,
Well as you can see I have posted some new photos above the first photo was taken at about 101kg and the second photo on the right was taken yesterday at 96kg. I can't believe what a difference 5kg makes. The jeans I am wearing are now postively obscene on me and I cant wear them outside. Will keep them for more photos though. I would love to hear what you guys think of the photos.
Well weigh in was yesterday, I was quite suprised to have lost 1.6kg during my first week back since before xmas, which brings me to 96kg and with a grand total of 29.2 kg lost. I am glad to be back on CS it's a funny feeling kind of like coming home I guess. Hoping for another fantastic week this week.
Thats it for me today, Im hanging out for the postie van before I go into town, a vry hot 37 degress here today with 39 forecast for tomorow.
Ta ta for now,