Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Results Are In

Hey every1,

Well I am back after my week off CS and was really happy with the results. It was great to have a week away from shakes and am rearing to get started again this week, I really enjoyed my shake this morning yummo. I tried to fit in some exercise around my exam prep which was good, I mainly stuck to the maintenance program, most days I had a poached egg for breky, cup soup with two pieces of multigrain toast for lunch and healthy tea. Had a few variances, had chicken and mushroom ravioli for tea one night and had a couple of slices of vannila slice at a BBQ on Saturday- other than that I was fairly good.

Here it goes:

CW:103.1 Thats right folks I lost 1.1kg this week without CS and feeling fantastic! I am so close to my xmas goal it's really egging me on. I think that when I reach my xmas eve goal of 99.9 I will rethink and maybe aim for 95kg by xmas eve if I think it is achievable depends how soon I get to 99.9. I am on cloud 9 right now thinking about how much I have achieved and how great I am feeling. Once I get into the 90s its like the hard parts done, now I just have to do the fine sanding and smoothing out the rough edges.

I really hope everyone is going well and staying strong. Heres to a goaly xmas

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