Sunday, November 23, 2008

How time flys...

Hello every1,

Sorry I can't believe I havent updated my blog in so long, hopefully it hasnt been missed to much. I have now finished my uni exams and have this beautiful thing called a holiday until March, I cannot wait for the sun to come out and for it to actually feel like we are nearly in summer and not stuck in winter still. The plan is to head to the pool or the beach most days to work on my swimming and get my wonderful summer glow back, oh how I miss my tan and the chlorine bleached hair- such a save on hair dressers appointments lol. You may be wondering about the pics above- I know I am, the first one in the white is me on hols in the grampians in April this year and the second one in the black top is me taken a couple of weeks ago, hopefully you can spot the difference!
Weighed in this morning and was quite pleased with the results, I have nearly reached my xmas eve goal so I am ahead of schedule so to speak.
SW: 125.2
LW: 101.6
CW: 100.7 so a loss off 900grams leaving me 800grams to reach my xmas eve goal of 99.9kg, Im pretty sure I can do it. My reward for this goal is CHINESE my favourite and I am hoping next Monday I will be enjoying a nice chinese meal for all my hard work, and then straight back on the horse until the next goal.
Hope everyone is well, keep in touch. Hugs onthedecrease...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just chekin in

Hey every1,

Well I am back on CS and so far so good, havent lost anything so far am hoping that it will all fall of tomorow onwards. Would love to get to minigoal this week but I don't think that 3.4kg is really achievable so will have to keep on working that booty til I get there. I was really hoping I would and then readjust my xmas eve goal. Trying to concentrate on exams starting next week and then will have more time for exercise.

Hope every1 is well, keep in touch!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Results Are In

Hey every1,

Well I am back after my week off CS and was really happy with the results. It was great to have a week away from shakes and am rearing to get started again this week, I really enjoyed my shake this morning yummo. I tried to fit in some exercise around my exam prep which was good, I mainly stuck to the maintenance program, most days I had a poached egg for breky, cup soup with two pieces of multigrain toast for lunch and healthy tea. Had a few variances, had chicken and mushroom ravioli for tea one night and had a couple of slices of vannila slice at a BBQ on Saturday- other than that I was fairly good.

Here it goes:

CW:103.1 Thats right folks I lost 1.1kg this week without CS and feeling fantastic! I am so close to my xmas goal it's really egging me on. I think that when I reach my xmas eve goal of 99.9 I will rethink and maybe aim for 95kg by xmas eve if I think it is achievable depends how soon I get to 99.9. I am on cloud 9 right now thinking about how much I have achieved and how great I am feeling. Once I get into the 90s its like the hard parts done, now I just have to do the fine sanding and smoothing out the rough edges.

I really hope everyone is going well and staying strong. Heres to a goaly xmas