Saturday, October 11, 2008

Feeling a bit down tonight

Hey every1,

Feeling a bit low tonight have absolutely no energy and a bit dizzy and headachy. Also wondering if my awful stretchmarks will fade (i look like i have had 4 bloody kids) Don't mean to go on just thought I'd post. Hope everyone is having a good night and staying on CS to the tee, only one more day until weigh in :( dreading it now.



Nerdalesca said...

Don't worry too much :D if you lose weight at a slow and steady pace, the stretch marks should fade off. Using a vitamin E cream would probably help too!

You're only 21, so your skin is still young and a lot more forgiving than it would be if you left your weight loss for another 5 to 10 years.

onthedecrease said...

Thanks sebastian, thats what I am hoping just seems like forever away at the moment